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SEO Site Audit

Заказать Сео Аудит Сайта

Situations when, for one reason or another, a site for a long time cannot take top positions in search engines (SE) and, as a result, provide your business with a sufficient number of new customers - it is by no means uncommon.

In this case, it is recommended to conduct a comprehensive seo audit of the site , which allows you to timely identify and eliminate existing errors, as well as bring a specific web resource in accordance with the current requirements of search engines Yandex, Google, Mail

The list of actions aimed at identifying the reasons why the site is not able to reach the leading positions in the TOP-10 search engines for a long time and ensure high traffic rates includes:

  • Technical analysis of the resource for errors in its code

  • Seo audit: checking the uniqueness of text and media content, correct filling of meta tags title, description, etc., quality of the link mass and much more

  • Analysis of the quality of the user interface (usability) of the site

  • Checking commercial ranking factors

Why not do without Seo audit?
On the one hand, the goal of Seo Audit is to get a general idea of ​​the state of affairs, on the other hand, to identify white spots, "forgotten" places. You can put a lot of effort into developing a resource by focusing on one activity and completely forgetting about the rest.
For example, three months ago you decided that you would post thematic materials on the site - 5 articles per month. Much work had already been done by this time. The articles turned out to be interesting, they are liked by all your friends and relatives. But bad luck - this did not affect the popularity of the resource in any way. And the thing is that the developer accidentally closed the section with articles from indexing in the robots.txt file.
Or another example. You have a wonderful site: nice design, interesting texts. The site occupies a good position for key queries, and the flow of visitors confirms this. But for some reason there are not many orders. It turned out that most of your customers visit the site from their phone, where an annoying layout error simply prevents them from going from the main menu to the product catalog.
This happened because each of the specialists who worked on the site solved their own problem. He could solve it well, but he forgot (or did not guess) about the rest of the work. It turns out that some specialists performed separate work, but lost a complete idea of ​​the site.
In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”
Let's summarize. When is it worth ordering an SEO audit?
  • Your site has never had any search engine optimization work. Then the audit will help in the formation of a general strategy, indicate the directions for further work to improve the resource.
  • The work was carried out for a long time and not systematically. In this case, the audit will help to form a general understanding of the state of affairs, to identify white spots.
  • Website optimization works were carried out recently. You can perform an audit if you are in doubt about the quality of the work.

The cost of the service is only 5000 rubles

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